Friday, April 22, 2011

Dang it

Hmmm this would have helped me out soo much


How do I split up and do more when I somehow can't seem to do one thing. I can't seem to focus as I once used to, and It can't be because Im getting older ? or is it? are these the side affects of aging? That sucks I hate not being abe to control something in my life. I cant control the aging.. can I renew it by changing what goes into my body even more? hmm I wonder.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The giant splinter that is on my head.

I pretty much hate it when there is a thought in the back of my head that tells me to do something and I don't do it.
It doesn't yell at me its not an overwhelming voice, its a soft spoken, hint to the better voice that tells me "Do it."
The "IT" is what ever I am doing at the moment. For today its me studying for this Anthropology test. I feel I could have Inputed more thorough response At the same time iI felt quite comfortable wit the responses I gave in the test. I am in a class that I enjoy but with no energy. I com ing out of class thinking that I left something behind, that I could have said more, but I don't that I could have made a friend but I obviously didn't I still have this thought, this pre-determined plan to walk a solo line. Gladly I failed and have connected to some people, not in a way that you could call best of buds, but that is not my goal here at Wheelock.
I wish I was free from all of this, and that the year was complete and I was done with this.
I often look at all of this and wonder how is it going to end, but I can't seem to pull myself into thinking that far. I just can't get the thoughts in. I usually,... in fact I am able to think of any situation in my head.. Giant elephant kissing a giraffe got it, whats going to happe or how its going to play out, I juts cant picture it, REALLY!!
I can't see myself in this situation for ever, as lomg as it isnt the realy mean . Me pretending to be someoneelse yeah sure why not. easy to do..